hotel booking

We have created a unique hotel network using an SSL security system. You can choose your hotels at any instant; domestic or international, starting from 2 stars to 5-star hotels including Holiday Villages, and Resort Hotels for your hotel bookings. We can arrange your hotels in almost every major city in the world.

Sky Travel & Tours is made of dedicated travel professionals who will customize your plans to fit the needs of your tour groups, seminars, and meetings. We do our best for you to ensure that your visits and activities are thoroughly enjoyable, relaxing, and free of discomfort. Consider our services for your requests regarding travel; we provide unsurpassed quality services for leisure, group, corporate, and incentive travel.

We provide an extensive hotel database for you to choose from according to your liking. Our collection includes fine luxury resort chains namely the Fairmont Miramar Hotel, Santa Monica, steeped in history and city landmarks in their respective areas. Our resorts are situated in some of the most breathtaking and pristine places in the world and travelers from across the globe associate Fairmont with the most inviting beaches, challenging golf courses, and exhilarating ski hills.

We guarantee consistency throughout our collection of hotels and resorts by adhering strictly to company-wide standards.